It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Why the Keystone XL Pipeline Is Just the Latest Abuse of Corporate Power
Solar panel prices and wind turbine prices are down, and electric vehicle battery prices have dropped. So why do we need to develop the Tar Sands?
Letter from Estonia: Why the Neighborhood Movement is Working in Tallinn
The recent opening of a bike- and pedestrian-only street is the latest and perhaps most prominent sign of the local citizen activism that is increasingly helping to remake Tallinn over the past seven years.
Slash and Burn: The War Against California Pensions
“Pension reform” has become the latest battle cry in an endless war against tax-dollar waste. But its single-minded purpose has been to slash the job protections and benefits enjoyed by California’s working middle class.
Occupy Wall Street, Two Years On: We're Still the 99%
Two years ago, in scores of encampments across America, a new generation found its calling.
Armageddon On Wall Street: The Looming Mass Destruction from Derivatives
The shadow banking system is propped up by a hidden government guarantee known as safe harbor status, pushed through by Wall Street, which has created perverse incentives for the financial system to self-destruct.
Follow the Money: How the NSA Monitors the Financial World
Secret documents reveal that the main NSA financial database Tracfin already had 180 million datasets by 2011.
Monsanto Spends $4.6 Million to Defeat Washington GMO Labeling Initiative
The campaign for Washington's GMO-labeling initiative is looking a lot like last year's Prop 37 campaign in California, where biotech and agribusiness interests outspent the other side by nearly 5 to 1.
Occupy Action in London Targets U.K.’s Military Industrial Complex
Occupy vs. the Arms Fair brought together supporters of Occupy and anti-arms trade activists in London to organize against what is described as the "world’s leading defense and security event."
De-Icing the Myth of Greenland
The scenes now playing out in Greenland's de-icing are like nothing we've ever witnessed before.
What Informs an Informant: The Untold Story of Brandon Darby
The new film Informant reconstructs Darby’s history of engagement with social justice groups.