It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Holding Them Accountable: Who Hijacked the American Economy?
It's time recognize the individuals who took the American economy from a model of profitability to one based on mega-million dollar derivatives deals leveraged behind closed doors, which crashed it for all of us.
Connecting the Dots, 3/4 of Americans Now Believe in Global Warming
Though U.S. elected leaders continue to ignore the most pressing crisis facing humanity, a new survey shows three out of four Americans now believe that global warming is affecting the weather - and that it made record-high temperatures in 2012 worse.
"Stop Beating Up the Rich": The 1%'s Cry for Justice
This year's list of American success stories was recently published, and according to its compiler, it "instills confidence that the American dream is still very much alive." We're talking money—the flow of mammon beyond regular people's wildest dreams.
Financial Transaction Tax Gets the Green Light in Europe
European finance ministers from 11 nations last week committed to implementing a financial transaction tax, or Robin Hood Tax, to curb short-term speculation and generate massive revenue for job creation, global health, climate and other needs.
What’s Driving the Student Debt Bubble?
The amount that students owe quintupled between 2000 and 2011, a result of similar kinds of fraudulent tools of financialization as the ones that took down the U.S. economy.
Awakening from the Dream: The Real Facts on Fukushima
Japan is facing a nuclear crisis - with a second earthquake-induced catastrophe looming on the horizon - that neither government nor business is confronting honestly.
Pussy Riot Member Goes Free, Following Moscow Court Appeal
A Moscow appeals court on Wednesday released Yekaterina Samutsevich, one of the three jailed members of the punk band Pussy Riot, but maintained that the other two women must serve the remainder of their two-year jail term in a Russian prison colony.
Lawmakers Exposed: Who Really Works for the 1%?
Do you wonder which members of Congress routinely side with the richest 1 percent and Wall Street? A new “Congressional Report Card for the 99 Percent" answers that question.
QE3: The Fed's Latest Gift to Wall Street
The Fed's third round of quantitative easing, QE3, won't likely reduce unemployment - the banks will make out like bandits as they have before. Only if the banking system is under the control of the people can it be expected to serve the people.
Walmart Warehouse Workers Declare Victory
Striking warehouse workers at Walmart’s distribution center near Joliet, Illinois, have won an agreement for an end to retaliation against employees protesting working conditions, and are returning to work with full pay for the three weeks they were out.