There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
The Democratic Party Needs A Swift Kick In the Ass
Grassroots movements like Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street can make powerful statements by running their own candidates and mobilizing their members to vote in Democratic primary elections against entrenched incumbents.
U.S. Congress Passes Surveillance Reform In Vindication for Edward Snowden
The bulk collection of Americans’ phone records will end as the Senate passes the USA Freedom Act.
The People's Lawyer: Fighting Against Foreclosure Fraud and Courts' Abuse of Power
"I think this economic collapse was carefully calculated as a means to redistribute wealth from the middle class to the wealthy."
Black Americans Killed By Police are Twice As Likely To Be Unarmed As Whites
102 people killed by police so far this year were unarmed - twice the rate calculated by U.S. government.
Protests Continue Across Canada Against Repressive "Patriot Act" Style Bill
One major concern is how the Canadian government categorizes who and what types of actions will be targeted as “terrorism” – with language vague enough to include just about anyone.
In the Face of Shell's Arctic Drilling Plans, Seattle Activists Speak Out
When the Port of Seattle offered Royal Dutch Shell a home port for its Arctic drilling fleet, it didn't take long for climate justice to become the rallying cry.
Exclusive: Two Years After Snowden Revelations, Glenn Greenwald Talks About Impacts on Surveillance State
"Defeatism is never warranted. There are always ways individuals can tap the power within themselves to confront injustices.”
A "Movement Moment" Is Happening On Campus As Student Activism Surges Nationwide
Fueled in part by growing inequality, tensions between universities and the public they're supposed to serve have resulted in a new era of burgeoning student unrest.
Bankers from Major Institutions Still Haven't Been Held Responsible for Financial Crash
In the seven years since the financial crisis, none of the top executives at the Wall Street banks that fueled and profited from the housing bubble have been held to account – even as their companies admitted wrongdoing and paid billions in fines.
Here’s How Much Corporations Paid U.S. Senators To Fast-Track the TPP Bill
As Congress hotly debates the biggest trade deal in a generation, its backers have turned on the cash spigot in the hopes of getting it passed.