There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Besides West Virginia, Oil and Gas Drilling Links to Water Pollution in 3 States
Pennsylvania has confirmed at least 106 water-well contamination cases from its more than 5,000 new fracking wells. Texas registered more than 2,000 contamination complaints, while 122 were filed in West Virginia and 190 in Ohio.
Marking the 12th Anniversary of America's Guantánamo Prison Disgrace
Though it's been over a decade since 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, whose trial has not yet started, is being tried in a military commission system that has produced eight convictions out of the nearly 800 men in Gitmo.
Terror Charges Faced By Oklahoma Fossil Fuel Protesters "Outrageous"
The terror charges facing two environmental protesters who unfurled a banner and dropped glitter at an oil and gas company's office in Oklahoma are outrageous and egregious, their lawyer says.
Humboldt Exclusive: As Pot Money Grows, the River Runs Dry
Growing weed in Northern California isn't what it used to be. Today's use of chemicals, cultivation on industrial-sized scale and the overuse of scarce water resources means that despite pot's quasi-legalization, growers may need to rethink.
Bay Area Protests Underway to Stop WesPac-Pittsburg Oil Mega-Terminal
Demonstrators at Pittsburg, Calif., City Hall said that plans to store highly volatile crude oil imported from the Bakken fields of North Dakota – and even the Alberta tar sands – were unacceptable.
Revealed: Food Industry Giants Try to Muscle Pro-GMO Federal Law Through Congress
The Grocery Manufacturers Association representing food and beverage leaders like ConAgra, PepsiCo and Kraft is pushing a federal law with non-mandatory labeling standards in an effort to kill GMO labeling initiatives across the country.
How Europe's Social Movements Converged in Amsterdam to Plan 2014 #EUInCrisis
A strategy meeting in Amsterdam became a critical milestone for the convergence of different European social movements on the frontlines of resistance against the neoliberal E.U. austerity regime in 2014.
Thousands of New Yorkers Rally Against Fracking at Gov. Cuomo’s State of State Address
Protesters representing more than 100 organizations highlighted the environmental and health dangers fracking would pose to the state, calling for a ban as the only way to protect New York’s water and the health of residents.
Why Governor Chris Christie and His Aides Belong in Handcuffs
If Occupy Wall Street protesters get arrested for blocking a bridge to make a larger point about economic injustice, then every member of the N.J. governor's administration should receive at least the same treatment, if not face greater charges.
Angry Londoners React to Verdict of Mark Duggan's “Lawful Killing” That Led to 2011 Riots
The response to Wednesday's decision has been polarizing, as raw public outrage expressed toward Tottenham's assistant police commissioner, Mark Rowley, has led to calls for a peaceful protest to take place this Saturday.