Over the next four years, we’re about to be inundated with a flood of lies—including from federal agencies themselves.
'Protesters as terrorists': growing number of states turn anti-pipeline activism into a crime
Conservative lawmakers have put forward laws criminalizing protests that disrupt the construction and operation of pipelines in at least 18 states since 2017.
Rebel Cities 26: These Community Wind Farms In Denmark and Scotland Are Decentralising Power to the People
Denmark and Scotland are seeing tremendous economic success in community-owned wind farms. But green municipalism doesn't need to be restricted to the wind-battered Nordic coastal fringes.
Wall Street Beware: The Public Banking Movement Is Coming for You
The renewed interest in public banking really took off right after the financial collapse in 2008 as people began exploring the option of moving their money into alternative banking institutions
Labor Strikes Back: A Forum on How Workers Can Win
Based on recent labor activism by teachers and workers, there is a clear opportunity to build a “mass movement from below” and bring a bottom (99%) versus top (1%) progressive strategy to the 2020 elections.
How Businesses Have Changed Since the #MeToo Movement
Equal treatment for women in the workplace has been a point of contention since the advent of the women’s rights movement a half century ago.
Older American Descend Into Retirement Without A Golden Parachute
The rate of bankruptcy for those 65 and older increased more than 200 percent between 1991-2016, paralleling the decline of workers in defined benefits plans.
‘We Are Part of the Problem’: Billionaires and Heirs Demand Wealth Tax
“We are writing to call on all candidates for President to support a moderate wealth tax on the fortunes of the richest one-tenth of the richest 1% of Americans — on us,” said the letter signed by 19 billionaires.
Public Acrimony Meets Political Circus As Tories Consider Next UK Prime Minister
“The only way to give the people of Britain the respect and democracy they deserve is to have a general election and let us decide who is going to lead us through profoundly turbulent times.”
“No Pasaran”: Catalan Political Prisoners, Rising Fascism And Spain's Show Trial
"If [Spanish] police violence could not stop thousands of people from voting in the referendum, does anyone believe that a sentence will cause Catalans to stop fighting for their rights?"
Fed Up With the System, Young Voters Engage for 2020
A recent poll indicates that young voters are energized and mobilized six months after the midterms – and could play a significant role shaking up the White House, Congress and state governments.