It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
The Yes Men Are Revolting – This Time It's Personal
The prankster activist duo are back at it again, now directing their comical creative theater at the climate crisis and the earth's worst offenders.
The End of Capitalism Has Begun
Without us noticing, we are entering the postcapitalist era.
Report: 3 Million More U.S. Children In Poverty Since Great Recession
Poverty rates have nearly doubled among African-Americans and American Indians since 2008, and hardship is most severe in the South and Southwest.
How Goldman Sachs Profited from the Greek Debt Crisis
CEO Lloyd Blankfein and his Goldman team helped Greece hide the true extent of its debt – and in the process almost doubled it.
"Here We Breathe Freedom": Belarus Activists (and Musicians) Go to Poland to Be Political
Banned from giving concerts in his native Belarus, rocker Lavon Volski crossed over into neighboring Poland last weekend to play at the annual Basowiszcza festival, where underground bands play free from fear of arrest.
Cuban Flag Raised In Washington, D.C., Marking Historic Restoration of Ties
The two countries have reached a milestone in the historic thaw.
Why Inequality Is Making Los Angeles a Third World City
The deepening gap between rich and poor is both a sociological fact and a state of mind – as the cost of housing is up dramatically, and so is homelessness.
King of Corporate Handouts: How Governor Bobby Jindal Ransacked Louisiana
Under the Jindal administration, Louisiana has become a tax haven for industries ranging from fracking to film production to oil extraction – while instituting cuts to public education and driving the state into a financial hole.
The Holder Effect: Close the Revolving Door Between Washington and Wall Street
Eric Holder’s return to a corporate law firm undermines public trust.
Five Years and Counting, Big Money Still Stalls Key Dodd-Frank Anti-Corruption Rule
Congress, on July 21, 2010, gave the Securities and Exchange Commission 270 days to issue a rule on how exactly to implement Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank act – and today, 1,821 days later, there still is no rule.