It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Edward Snowden Declares "Mission Accomplished," Reflects on NSA Revelations
“I already won. As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself."
Texans Fear For Health and Safety As Keystone XL Pipeline Nears On-Switch
The Keystone XL pipeline will carry oil from Canada to American refineries near the Gulf of Mexico. Those in favor of it say it will increase access to oil from Canada, the leading supplier of crude oil to the U.S. Andy Gallacher reports.
Tax Inspector's New "Common Man" Party Rides to Victory in Indian Capital
The Common Man party, whose members include a rickshaw driver, a lawyer and a TV actor, stunned political analysts and established parties when it won 28 out of 70 seats in local assembly elections in Delhi this month.
Talking Trash and Climate Crisis: A Conversation with Chicago's Garbage Guru
Elise Zelechowski, executive director of the ReBuilding Exchange, on the need to rethink the waste stream, the economic and environmental impacts of creative reuse, and how making trash visible is key to making it manageable.
Polls Show Vast Majority of Americans Favor Raising Minimum Wage to $10
As the floor falls out from under American workers, big majorities of voters in both parties want the minimum wage raised, making this a core, mainstream issue looking ahead to the 2014 midterm elections.
End the FED! (ATL)
On December 23 America’s private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve turns 100 years old and We the People have a simple message: Reform or Retire.
Occupy Google, Occupy Apple: Bay Area Eviction Protesters Block More Tech Buses
Dozens gathered in San Francisco on Friday for another blockade of a private tech shuttle likely belonging to Apple, while a separate blockade of a Google bus occurred across the bay in Oakland.
Going Postal on Pensions: Why We Must Protect Our Public Assets
Last week a federal judge overrode the Michigan state constitution, ruling that Detroit’s pension obligations aren't protected from creditors in its bankruptcy while upholding Congressional protections for Wall Street derivatives traders.
2013 End Report: The Super Rich Are Sucking Wealth From the Rest of Us
The wealthiest people in the U.S. and around the world have used the stock market and the deregulated financial system to lay claim to the resources that should belong to all of us.
Could Crowd-Sourced Organic Seed Banks Save Our Agricultural Future?
Navdanya has become a network of seed keepers spread across 17 Indian states, providing crucial sanctuaries of biodiversity.