It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Why the FCC's Media Consolidation Scheme is a Bad Idea
The FCC's plan to relax the newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership ban will hurt media diversity.
The Digital Disruption: Technology and Economics for the 99%
Only by ending the corporate market system can the 99% create a new system based on use-value - value for actual human needs - and enable us to use the full capabilities of technology to sustain human life.
Secret Goldman Team Sidesteps Volcker Despite Blankfein Vow
A secret unit within Goldman Sachs that has no clients exists solely to circumvent regulations curbing proprietary bets at banks.
Halting the Oil: Our Civil Disobedience Today
The Keystone pipeline is an intolerable threat to our future. We stand together as representatives of a desperate generation who have been forced into this position by the reckless and immoral behavior of fossil fuel corporations.
Flawed Foreclosure Review Replaced with Vague $8.5 Billion Settlement
Banking regulators admitted the Independent Foreclosure Review was a big expensive mess and shut it down. But many details about the $8.5 billion settlement that replaces it remain murky.
Unveiling Greece's Rotten Oligarchy
The Lagarde List - roughly 2,000 Greek citizens with Swiss bank accounts - implicates a corrupt group of officials with offshore companies, friends and relatives of government ministers, bankers, publishers and those involved in the black market.
New Documents on Activist Surveillance "Just the Tip of the Iceberg"
The security and surveillance state overseen by Barack Obama has empowered the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security to obstruct the activity of citizens who question corporate power.
Debtor Nation: The Financial War Against the Economy At Large
The weapon in today's financial warfare is no larger military force, but a tactic to load economies (governments, companies and families) with debt, siphon off their income as debt service, then foreclose when debtors lack the means to pay.
Can We Get on Obama’s Ass Now?
We have to hold President Obama accountable with more than just our words. Unless he hears us loud and clear, don’t expect him to do us any favors.
Cancer Risk Tied to Oil Sands
The development of Alberta’s oil sands has increased levels of cancer-causing compounds in surrounding lakes well beyond natural levels.