It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
"Eyes With No Memory See Nothing": The E.U. Pushes Greece to the Brink
The esteemed ladies and gentlemen in Oslo are acting on false hopes, not reality, in awarding the Peace Prize to a European Union whose policies are pushing Greece to the brink of economic and social disaster.
Biting the Hand That Fed Them, Wall Street Banks Abandon Obama
In contrast to 2008, when Wall Street's biggest financial firms donated heavily to elect Barack Obama, this year just one Wall Street bank, Wells Fargo, is listed among Obama’s top 20 largest donors.
The Koch Brothers Tell Employees to Vote For Romney or Face the Consequences
Koch Industries sent 45,000 mailers to employees at Koch subsidiary Georgia Pacific, urging votes for Mitt Romney and other conservative candidates and warning ominously of “consequences” for the workers if Republicans lose.
Resistance in Texas: More Arrests as Tar Sands Blockade Enters Fourth Week
More than 50 blockaders ried to enter the site where activists have been holding a historic standoff to stop the Keystone XL pipeline, expanding the ongoing Tar Sands Blockade tree village in east Texas, where 10 yesterday were arrested.
Norway to Planet: This is What a Carbon Tax Looks Like
The Scandinavian oil giant announced it is doubling the carbon tax on its North Sea oil industry while committing to buy more than $100 million in carbon credits next year. Could this be a model for nations using oil income to fund the transition out of oil?
Foreclosure Victim Sues Big Banks Over Libor Manipulation
A retiree who lost her home to foreclosure has filed a class-action lawsuit against 12 banks for allegedly manipulating Libor.
Holding Them Accountable: Who Hijacked the American Economy?
It's time recognize the individuals who took the American economy from a model of profitability to one based on mega-million dollar derivatives deals leveraged behind closed doors, which crashed it for all of us.
Connecting the Dots, 3/4 of Americans Now Believe in Global Warming
Though U.S. elected leaders continue to ignore the most pressing crisis facing humanity, a new survey shows three out of four Americans now believe that global warming is affecting the weather - and that it made record-high temperatures in 2012 worse.
"Stop Beating Up the Rich": The 1%'s Cry for Justice
This year's list of American success stories was recently published, and according to its compiler, it "instills confidence that the American dream is still very much alive." We're talking money—the flow of mammon beyond regular people's wildest dreams.
Financial Transaction Tax Gets the Green Light in Europe
European finance ministers from 11 nations last week committed to implementing a financial transaction tax, or Robin Hood Tax, to curb short-term speculation and generate massive revenue for job creation, global health, climate and other needs.