It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Occupy's Protest is Not Over — It Has Barely Begun
It's mistaken to write Occupy's obituary this first anniversary. The lesson of history is that movements for justice are irrepressible.
A Letter from People Against the NDAA
This is Dan from People Against the NDAA. This message is short, but sweet and needs to get out to all those fighting this law.
What Happened to Occupy Wall Street?
An assessment of Year One.
Politics and Plutocrats: A Parade of Inequality
How can we hope to make progress on the path to sustainability when the road is blocked by barricades of bullion backed by battalions of billionaires?
In Vermont, Protesting Utilities on a Mountaintop
The Mountaintop Justice Festival brought hundreds of citizens to one contested mountaintop in southern Vermont to challenge the Vermont Public Service Board, the body responsible for regulating big energy utilities in the state.
Fighting the Bully on the Playground
Until Rahm the bully stops picking on the teachers in Chicago, the kids are getting a great lesson in how effective nonviolent direct action can be -- and how invigorating it is to stand up to those who try to keep you down.
Activists Shut Down Monsanto Plant
Nine people were arrested earlier this week when Occupy Monsanto's Genetic Crimes Unit shut down shipping and receiving access points at Monsanto's seed distribution facility in Oxnard, California.
Criminals Within: The Case Against the DOJ
When it comes to Wall Street, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has managed the Justice Department like...well, like a highly-paid attorney for a prominent Wall Street law firm.
Jimmy Carter: Citizens United, Financial Corruption Threaten Democracy
"We have one of the worst election processes in the world," the former president says.
A Radical Solution to Save Homes From Foreclosure
Depending on how you look at it, the plan is either a group of well-meaning 1 percenters looking to ameliorate the foreclosure crisis, or a bunch of rich vultures cashing in on struggling homeowners.