We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Revealed: Europe is Facing a Crisis of Land Concentration and Land Grabs
A new report reveals the hidden scandal of how a few big private business entities have gained control of ever-greater areas of European land.
Letter from Mayflower, Arkansas: From the Blockade to Mutual Aid
Before going to Mayflower, I had never seen tar sands bitumen in person. I had never smelled it, nor had I experienced how it starts to sicken you the minute you get near it: headaches, burning throat, fatigue, gut-aches, vomiting and diarrhea.
Fertilizer Plant Had 1,350 Times The Amount of Explosives It Should Have
The fertilizer plant that exploded in West, Texas, been storing 1,350 times the amount of ammonium nitrate that would normally trigger safety oversight by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Complicit No More: Tar Sands and What to Do About Parasitic Capitalism
The parasitic form of capitalism that is harvesting the tar sands applies the same rationale that is intrinsic to austerity and bank bailouts.
Monsanto, After Patent Victory Over DuPont, Creates World's Largest GMO Monopoly
Now that the two companies have agreed to partner together, the world faces a much larger threat in the form of a massive GMO cartel controlled by Monsanto.
In Occupy 2.0, Strike Debt Aims to Abolish Consumer Debt
Strike Debt, an affiliate of the Occupy movement, has devised a legal and what some consider ingenious way to abolish millions of dollars in consumer debt.
In April, Education Movements Are Gaining Full Steam
Fighting against austerity measures and racist educational policies, political pushback led by students and teachers worldwide is at an all-time high.
Global Resistance to Tax Havens is Growing — Especially in Europe
Tax havens cause billions in annual damage to national economies around the world. The recent Offshore Leaks investigative reports are helping fuel efforts in Europe and the U.S. to have them eliminated.
Exxon Swears to Gosh it Doesn’t Hate Your Children, Really
On the heels of ExxonMobil's really tough couple of weeks sopping up that grievous tar sands oil spill in suburban Arkansas, America's most profitable corporation is now trying to stop a different leak: a novel attack-ad campaign.
Student Loan Interest Rates Set to Double in July, Even As Debt Soars
Student loan interest rates, which have not been changed since they were set in 2001, are scheduled to double on July 1, from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent -- allowing the government to cash in on record interest payments.