It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
A "Movement Moment" Is Happening On Campus As Student Activism Surges Nationwide
Fueled in part by growing inequality, tensions between universities and the public they're supposed to serve have resulted in a new era of burgeoning student unrest.
Bankers from Major Institutions Still Haven't Been Held Responsible for Financial Crash
In the seven years since the financial crisis, none of the top executives at the Wall Street banks that fueled and profited from the housing bubble have been held to account – even as their companies admitted wrongdoing and paid billions in fines.
Here’s How Much Corporations Paid U.S. Senators To Fast-Track the TPP Bill
As Congress hotly debates the biggest trade deal in a generation, its backers have turned on the cash spigot in the hopes of getting it passed.
The College Bureaucracy: How Education Forgot the Students and Became A Business
University bureaucracies are furthering the neo-liberalization of education, which is now viewed as a business.
Senators Come Out Swinging for Debt-Free College As 2016 Campaign Issue Builds Steam
On Wednesday, nine Democratic senators came out in support of a resolution to make four-year public colleges in the U.S. debt-free.
More Top Heavy Than Ever: The One Percent of the One Percent
One lesson of the 2014 election cycle: More money came from fewer people.
EPA Issues Sweeping Rules Protecting America's Drinking Water, Streams and Wetlands
Drinking water for 117 million Americans will be protected under new rules shielding small streams, tributaries and wetlands from pollution and development.
Anti-Corruption Activists Join In Seattle June 4th - Calling for Citizen Empowerment
On June 4, two of the nation’s leading voices against political corruption, Lawrence Lessig and Marianne Williamson, will join's screening of "Killswitch" in a call for sweeping citizen action to root money out of politics in 2016.
A New Dawn of Dissent: Britain Responds to Conservative Victory with Wave of Protests
As election resentment gathers speed in the U.K., reinvigorated protest efforts are emerging as well.
The Financial Transactions Tax Could Be a Game Changer on Wall Street
The FTT proposed last week by presidential candidate Bernie Sanders would impose a sales tax on stocks and other financial assets, forcing speculators to pay a tax on their trades just like people who buy shoes or clothes.