Over the next four years, we’re about to be inundated with a flood of lies—including from federal agencies themselves.
Three Demands to Congress: Student Loans, Glass-Steagall & a Financial Transaction Tax
People rule in a democracy. Not Wall Street, not banks, not money. This is something apparently forgotten by Congress.
NSA: The Decision Problem
The ultimate goal of signals intelligence and analysis is to learn not only what is being said, and what is being done, but what is being thought.
Barack Obama expresses reservations about Keystone XL pipeline project
Barack Obama has given the strongest indication to date that he holds reservations about the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, saying the project would not create many jobs and could raise gasoline prices.
Sacramento CA, Sues Big Banks Over LIBOR Rate Manipulation
Sacramento County has sued Bank of America, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank and 15 others, saying they cost the city untold sums by manipulating LIBOR.
Watching Fascism On the Rise, From Greece to America
Golden Dawn’s prominence is proof that Greece is on the slide to becoming the next Nazi Germany — and that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Americans should also be wary of our government’s slide toward fascism.
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: Rebranding Constitutionally Protected Behavior as Terrorism
By rebranding activism as terrorism, corporate interests have made it far too easy for some of our bravest activists to be locked away for years.
Julian Assange Launches WikiLeaks Party in Australia
The founder of the world's most prominent whistleblower group formally announced the launch of the WikiLeaks Party on Thursday, along with his candidacy and six other members who will run for senate seats in Australia's fall election.
Inside the Moral Mondays Movement In North Carolina
Every week people gather to protest North Carolina’s Republican-led agenda.
Retaliation Campaign in Turkey As Erdogan Punishes Protesters
In the aftermath of the Gezi Park protests that rocked Istanbul and spread last month across Turkey, activists are being locked up, journalists bullied and demonstrators persecuted.
Tunisian Assassination Brings Thousands Into the Streets
Mohammed Brahmi, a leading member of the National Constituent Assembly and the Popular Movement — the same coalition as Chokri Belaid, who was killed in February — was riddled with bullets on Thursday outside his home.