Over the next four years, we’re about to be inundated with a flood of lies—including from federal agencies themselves.
Arizona’s Uprising Teachers Build Bridges, Not Walls
Under the banner of #RedForEd, Arizona teachers voted overwhelmingly (78%) for a statewide walkout – the first in the state’s history – starting April 26, rejecting a bogus offer of a 20% pay increase.
Report Shows Nation's Richest To Enjoy $17 Billion Windfall Thanks to Huge Tax Loophole
Marketed as relief for "small businesses," the GOP tax law's 20% deduction for owners of "pass-through" entities like law firms and hedge funds will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans.
'The Authority of Democracy': Can Macron's Vision Prevail Amid Europe's Rightwing Populists?
French President Emmanuel Macron is positioning himself as Europe's most vehement proponent of unity, but he faces resistance from rightwing nationalist governments seeking to fray Europe.
Florida Kids Sue Gov. Scott Over Climate Change: You Have 'Moral Obligation' to Protect Us
The case, connected to the federal Our Children’s Trust climate lawsuit, is one of nine pressuring states to take action on global warming and fossil fuels.
How the Public Banking Movement Hacked Cannabis Banking
The answer to unsafe cannabis cash, irresponsible private banking and economic inequality can be found in the democratization of banks.
Earth Day: Conflict Over the Future of the Planet
The environmental crisis and the mishandling of climate change are issues that are going to make the 2020s a decade of transformational change.
National School Walkout on April 20 kicks off the next wave of gun control activism
Students across the country will protest on the 19th anniversary of Columbine.
French Railway Strikes Spread As Workers and Students Protest New Labor Laws
“When the French feel they've been fooled, they don’t go home and have a cup of tea. They go in the street and fight."
How Europe's 'Breakthrough' Privacy Law Takes on Facebook and Google
Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation is forcing big changes at tech’s biggest firms – even if the US.. isn’t likely to follow suit.
UK Unites in Protests in response to aggressive western intervention in Syria
On the morning of Saturday, April 14, feelings of dismay, disbelief and division engulfed Britain after the nation awoke to images of RAF tornadoes loaded with missiles taking to the night sky on flight to Syria.