It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Apple Is Hiding Billions Of Dollars From the IRS
Technology giant Apple shuttled $11 billion into offshore tax havens in the fourth quarter of 2012.
Virginia GOP Jumps on the Deform-the-Electoral-Vote Bandwagon
Republicans know America doesn't support them, so now they're looking to count less of America.
So we vote for the best of the worst, and stand by/to see more of our rights signed away. Say "bye bye."
How to Raise the Minimum Wage, Improve the Workforce - and Afford It
Three ways to raise the minimum wage.
D.C. School Closings Target Poor Black Students
Parents and activists are angry that planned school closings mostly affect neglected sections of the city.
Corporate Gold on the Fiscal Cliff
Big money buys big influence, which is why the financiers of Wall Street never truly experience regime change.
AIG and Ethics: The Corporatization of Public Higher Education
Like the insurance giant AIG, which has just funded a new Ethics Center at Sonoma State University, big corporations are pumping ill-earned money into public education across the U.S., threatening academic freedom and free speech.
Spain's Rebellion Moves to Print
A radical new monthly magazine, La Marea, has just launched in Spain. Building on the social and political momentum of the 15M movement, the worker-owned cooperative is challenging the media establishment.
How the Billionaire Class is Destroying Democracy
The billions in taxpayer subsidies for Big Oil, trillions in bailouts and bonuses for Wall Street banksters, and hundreds of billions for war profiteers are always accompanied by demands for more tax cuts at the top.
False Bargain: Twenty Years On, Lessons from NAFTA
Eliminating tariffs and trade barriers, NAFTA opened the floodgates to an unrestricted movement of goods across borders. Twenty years later, can we learn from the mistakes?