It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Wall Street Landlords Gamed the Foreclosure Crisis – And Now Occupy Our Homes
Faceless hedge funds and nameless investors are replacing landlords in many low-income and foreclosed-on neighborhoods — often with disastrous consequences.
U.S. Government Is Paying to Undermine Internet Security – Not to Fix It
One lesson of the Heartbleed bug is that the U.S. needs to stop running Internet security like a Wikipedia volunteer project.
Waging War on Corruption, Common Man's Party Rises In India
Corruption rules in India – and as the world’s largest democracy goes to the polls this month, the Common Man’s Party has emerged as a new hope promising a corruption-free future.
Don't Outlaw Living in Cars – Unless You're Giving Out Houses
Depriving the homeless of their last shelter is Silicon Valley at its worst – especially when rich cities aren't doing anything to end homelessness.
Why Is Oklahoma Taxing People Who Install Their Own Solar Panels?
Energy customers in Oklahoma will be charged a monthly fee for the right to produce renewable energy from solar or wind power on their own properties.
The Heir, the Judge and the Homeless Mom: America's Prison Bias For the 1%
I hate to shatter anyone's illusions, but inequality defines our criminal justice system just as it defines our society.
Hidden History: What Nazi-Tied Roots to U.S. International Media Reveals About Ukraine Crisis
A new Cold War has arisen between Russia and the U.S. over the future of Ukraine.
Emerging Artivists In Kenya Demand Economic Justice
Increasing numbers of activists here use art to protest the way their country is being turned into a tax haven for multinational corporations.
Victory in Vermont Pushes Monsanto and Big Foods on the GMO Defensive
The Vermont Senate passed a bill to require labeling on all GMO foods sold in the state – signaling a wave of nationwide victories against the Gene Giants may be underway.
Why U.S. Fracking Companies are Licking Their Lips Over Ukraine
From climate change to Crimea, the natural gas industry is supreme at exploiting crisis for private gain.