We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Restored Payroll Tax Pinches Those Who Earn the Least
While the super wealthy ship their fortunes to Grand Cayman, those on the lower rung suffer higher taxes.
Keep The Tip: How a Note Left on a Receipt Got an Applebee's Waitress Fired
I make less than $9 an hour on average, before taxes. I was a waitress at Applebee's restaurant in Saint Louis. I was fired Wednesday for posting a picture on Reddit.com of a note a customer left on a bill after he refused to leave a tip.
Government Report: U.S. Firm Stashing Tens of Billions in Tax Havens
The research arm of Congress is warning that U.S. corporations’ use of tax havens has risen substantially in recent years, with companies offering massively inflated profit reports from small countries with loose tax regulations.
Five Strategies for the Next Great Progressive Push
We must move beyond tired ideas of "state capitalism" vs. "state socialism."
"The Gürtel Affair": Spain's All-Consuming Corruption Scandal
New revelations about the corruption scandal that is rocking Spanish politics has conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on the rails.
Talkin' About a Redistribution: Extreme Wealth vs. Global Sharing
Last year alone, the world's 100 richest people earned a combined additional income of $241 billion. Redistributing just a quarter of this vast quantity of money would enable governments to wipe out extreme poverty for an entire year.
Government Uses the Same Argument to Justify the Targeted Killing of Americans and Indefinite Detention
On Tuesday, Michael Isikoff of NBC News published a 16-page white paper that outlines the government's secret justification for the extrajudicial killing of an American believed to be affiliated with a terrorist organization.
For Just Over $600 Million, R.B.S. Settles Case on Rigging
A campaign to root out financial fraud scored a victory as authorities took aim at the Royal Bank of Scotland for its role in the LIBOR interest rate manipulation scheme.
Federal Reserve: 'We Got Hacked by Anonymous'
The Federal Reserve released a statement Tuesday that members of Anonymous hacked its system on Superbowl Sunday to obtain sensitive information from more than 4,000 bank executives.
'Aaron's Law' Proposes Reining in Federal Anti-Hacking Statute
Amendments being proposed to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act will limit the definition of unauthorized access to make a clear distinction between criminal hacking activity and simply acts that exceed authorized access on a minor level.