It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
As Inequality Soars With Bloated Executive Pay, U.K. Group Demands "Radical Action"
Reporting that CEOs in the U.K. earn 162 times more than the average worker, the High Pay Centre calls on government to put immediate caps on executive salaries.
21 Tar Sands Resisters Arrested Blocking U.S. Oil Sands Project In Utah
On Monday, 80 protesters with Utah Tar Sands Resistance halted access to equipment where the company seeks to begin work on the first fuel-producing tar sands mine in the state.
Exposed: United States Accused of Forcing European Union to Accept Tar Sands Oil
U.S. negotiators are working to permanently block a landmark regulatory proposal in the E.U. aimed at addressing climate change – and instead to force European countries to import the world's dirtiest oil.
Amazon Is the Scariest Part of The CIA's New Amazon Cloud Storage
This summer, the CIA's private Amazon Web Services cloud—shielded from the public behind a wall of national security—becomes operational.
Report: Government Agents "Directly Involved" In Most High-Profile U.S. Terror Plots
The study released Monday by Human Rights Watch raises questions about the criminal justice system's ability to respect civil rights and due process since 9/11.
Is There Any Scientific Study – Not Sponsored By Industry – That Asserts Fracking Is Safe?
Extensive research and reports commissioned by the fracking industry are treated as seminal, informative works within the U.K. government – but to date, no one outside industry vouches for its safety.
Minimum Wage Increase “Would Give Me the Chance To Spend Time With My Son and Be A Mother Again”
“It doesn’t make sense that I work hard, help the restaurant make money and yet I can’t eat there or support my family on just one job. This is not the America that I believe in."
From Israel to Ukraine, from Iraq to Afghanistan: U.S. Empire Reaches Breaking Point
It seems the people of the world are factually correct when they label the United States the greatest threat to peace in the world.
No Safe Place: Criminalization of Homelessness Rises In Cities Across U.S.
In a new study released last week, the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty tracked laws in 187 cities over the past five years and found an uptick in nearly every type of anti-homeless ordinance.
As Indignados Take Office, Pablo Iglesias and Podemos Party Bring New Spanish Justice
After winning 1.2 million votes, Spain's newest political party wants to raise minimum wages, abolish tax havens, nationalize banks rescued with public funds and establish a guaranteed minimum income.