It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Citizens Against GMOs: Label It Yourself!
If the government will not side with the 90% of consumers who are in favor of GMO labeling, then they are going to do it themselves.
It’s the Interest, Stupid! Why Bankers Rule the World
A stunning 35% to 40% of everything we buy goes toward interest.
Dozens of Activists Halt Keystone XL Pipeline Construction
Four people locked themselves to heavy machinery used along the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline route this morning and several others formed a human chain to block the movement of heavy machinery.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: This is What Corporate Governance Looks Like
What makes the TPP unique isn't just that it is the largest “free trade agreement” ever negotiated but that it's the most secretive trade negotiations in history with no public oversight, input, or consultations.
Occupy's Kind Second Act
For its second act, the Occupy Movement has turned its attention to debt abolition and the Hurricane Sandy relief effort.
How Safe Are America's Pipelines?
Over the last few years a series of incidents have brought pipeline safety to national attention. “It's inevitable that as pipelines age, as they are exposed to the elements, eventually they are going to spill.”
Five Misconceptions About our Tattered Safety Net
More than any other issue over the next four years, we need to address the growing divide in our nation, to tone down our winner-take-all philosophy, to provide job opportunities for people who want to contribute to society.
Walmart Workers Strike in California
Workers at a Walmart-contracted warehouse in Southern California went on strike Wednesday to demand better conditions at their facility.
The One Percent: A Poem
One god, angry, vituperative, vengeful, ready to condemn, stoking Hell’s righteous fires against the chill of wrong belief and the threat of low return on investment.
How to Build a Grassroots Power Base
If we want to move the country in a progressive direction, the politics of denunciation must work in sync with the politics of organizing—which must include solid electoral work.