We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
First Up Against The Wall: How Witch Hunts Hurt The (Leftist) Cause
Not all those who voted for Trump, Brexit or right wing conservatives and call themselves “reformers” are in fact hateful racists. Not all who oppose Antifa are Nazis. Not all who criticize the “resistance” are its adversaries.
Russian Police Arrest Anti-Corruption Leader Navalny, Hundreds More in Nationwide Rallies
A wave of unsanctioned rallies swept across Russia on Sunday to protest corruption in the government of President Vladimir Putin, in a nationwide show of defiance not seen in years.
Facial Recognition Database Used by FBI Is Out of Control, House Committee Hears
Database contains photos of half of U.S. adults without their consent, the algorithm is wrong nearly 15% of the time – and it's more likely to misidentify black people.
Brexit and London Terror Attacks May Have More In Common Than We Think
“If the eviction notice comes, I'll leave. I don't think this government will be taken seriously if they keep expressing the idea that the resident Europeans are their bargaining chips," said Anna, an E.U. citizen in London.
Green Groups Restart Fight Against Keystone XL Pipeline
Environmental groups rallied at the White House Friday afternoon in a new commitment to do whatever it takes to stop the Keystone XL pipeline.
I Was Trained for the Culture Wars in Home School, Awaiting Someone Like Mike Pence as a Messiah
I grew up in the far-right evangelical conservative (Christofascist) movement; specifically, I was homeschooled and my parents were part of a subculture called Quiverfull, whose aim is to outbreed everyone for Jesus.
Rato Finito: Spanish Citizens Send Most Corrupt Banker-Politician to Jail
A citizen-led campaign last month succeeded in prosecuting Spain’s top banker-politician, Rodrigo Rato, and 65 co-conspirators in a case that rattled the upper echelons of the country's political and financial elite.
These Cities Are Pulling Billions From the Banks That Support the Dakota Access Pipeline
From Seattle to San Francisco, Albuquerque to Raleigh, cities are joining the fight to defund the controversial pipeline.
From U.K. to Holland to Germany, the Alt-Right Is Reshaping European Opinion
"Fake news" has generated considerable attention in America in recent months, but less has been written about Europe's alt-right platforms which are enjoying an unprecedented rise in popularity as they agitate a restless population.
A Last Chance for Resistance
The crawl toward despotism within a failed democracy is always incremental – no regime planning to utterly extinguish civil liberties advertises its intentions in advance.