It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Yanis Varoufakis’s Vision For A More Democratic Europe
Varoufakis’s reform proposals, put forward via his new pan-European movement, DiEM25, are wide-ranging and admirable. He hopes to see something like a United States of Europe emerge out of the EU’s existing structure.
Creating A Public Bank in New Jersey: Will the Inside-Outside Game Work?
A banker from the Belly of the Beast, Goldman Sachs, has emerged to fight New Jersey's entrenched financial interests and implement what, if it succeeds, will be one of the most progressive state agendas in the country.
We Are Living Through A Golden Age of Protest
We are seeing a level of organizing with little precedent – but it’s time for stronger forms of demonstration, such as sit-ins and street blockades.
What Progressives Can Learn From Stacey Abrams
A brighter political future depends upon turning out large numbers of voters of color.
How Wall Street Bought Toys ‘R’ Us And Left 30,000 People Without Jobs
When the last Toys ‘R’ Us store closes its doors once and for all, the company's top executives will have pocketed $8.2 million in retention bonuses while liquidating the company and laying off tens of thousands.
Rebel Cities 4: In Warsaw, "Rights to the City" Means Clean Air and Affordable Homes
The Right to the City is a core ingredient in the radical municipalist movement now spreading across cities worldwide, driven in Warsaw by local issues like air pollution and unaffordable rents.
North Carolina Teachers Strike, Demanding Higher Pay and Better Funding
Teachers from 20 school districts across the state held a strike that affected around 700,000 students, as teachers demanded an increase in per-pupil funding to the national average and raises in teacher pay.
'CEOs Don't Want This Released': U.S. Study Lays Bare Extreme Pay-Ratio Problem
The first comprehensive study of CEO-to-worker pay reveals an extraordinary disparity – with the highest gap approaching 5,000 to 1.
How Rightwing Groups Wield Secret 'Toolkit' To Plot Against U.S. Unions
Rightwing activists are launching a nationwide drive to persuade public-sector trade union members to tear up their membership cards and stop paying dues, posing a direct threat to the progressive movement in America.
Defying Republicans, Senate Democrats Schedule Vote to Save Net Neutrality
Democrats are forcing the Senate to vote on Wednesday, nearly 1 month before the FCC repeal of net neutrality would take effect.