It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
In Grand Rapids, Re-occupation on Independence Day
After a period of rest and reassessment, Occupy Grand Rapids held its first rally of 2012 and promised to be out in full force this summer.
The Food Fight of Our Lives
Finally, public opinion around the biotech industry’s contamination of our food supply and destruction of our environment has reached the tipping point.
Three Corporate Myths that Threaten the Nation's Wealth
It’s time to restore corporate power to the people by blasting through the myths about how corporations should be run, and for whom.
Tuscon PD Protects and Serves (The 1%)
Six months on the front-line of the Occupy Movement have come and gone, and my disdain for Tucson’s police force has evolved into outright disgust.
What to Make of the ALEC Exodus
On February 29, Occupy Portland led the charge as dozens of cities nationwide targeted ALEC on a day to "Shut Down the Corporations." Six weeks later, several companies have ended their affiliation with ALEC.
23 Arrested Trying to Save a Mental Health Clinic
Last week, dozens of people sequestered themselves inside Woodlawn Adult Health Center using thick metal chains and bicycle locks to stop the closing of six public mental health clinics and the privatization of seven others.
A Veteran Fights the Real Enemy
By engaging veterans and gangsters with the Occupy Movement, Sergeant Shamar Thomas is helping re-channel the anger of men from "the warrior community" toward the real enemy he says they should be fighting: the 1%.
An Olive Branch from the Tea Party
The media wants the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street to duke it out because it fits perfectly into our two-party system’s “us-against-them” mentality. While we may have widely divergent views on particular issues, we can agree that the current political system is tilted in favor of rich Americans.
The Tax Avoidance Pantheon
With the help of SEC data and the results of several research studies, has selected the winners of the 2011 Tax Avoidance Awards, which honor multibillion-dollar corporations that reap billions but pay next to nothing in taxes.
Yes, We Have Made Them, and other poems
the glass towers, the stone monuments
to every principle we have ever betrayed