It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
The Threat of Disruption: When Movements Make Noise
The great movements that changed the course of our history accomplished more than spectacle and communication: they actually exercised power.
The Question No One Is Asking About Keystone XL
Why are we arresting Americans for trespassing on their own property? It sure looks like it's just so a foreign corporation can get rid of their toxic oil and a handful of billionaires in Texas can make big profits refining and exporting it.
Memo From Atlanta: How the Blackstone Group and "Property Managers" are Seizing Our Homes
After creating the massive housing bubble that eventually burst, Wall Street private equity and hedge funds have figured out how to profit off their destruction: by turning foreclosed homes into rentals and securitizing the rental income.
Exposed: Spain Is in the Hands of Thieves
300 politicians are now under investigation for corruption in Spain, where politicians’ subservience to financial power is being exposed.
A Year After Ramarley Graham's Murder, a Movement Against Police Brutality Grows
The NYPD has led the way in police violence in America, paying a staggering $550 million to settle 8,882 lawsuits in 2011 alone.
Britain's New Law to Break up Unlawful Banks
British banks that fail to shield their day-to-day banking from risky investment activities could be broken up.
Breaking the Chains of Debt Peonage
Debt peonage must be broken if we are going to build a mass movement to paralyze systems of corporate power.
"Environmental Literacy Improvement Act" to Require Teaching Climate Change Denial in Schools
The American Legislative Exchange Council has planted its "Environmental Literacy Improvement Act," mandating a "balanced" teaching of climate science in K-12 classrooms, in the Oklahoma, Colorado and Arizona state legislatures in 2013.
Cash Hoarding, Tax Evasion and the Corporate Coup
With record-breaking profits and record-low taxes, corporations around the world have been hoarding record-high amounts of cash while finding legal loopholes to pay less, or none, of their taxes.
Techtivist Report: U.K. Warned - CIA Will Access All Government Data
U.S. intelligence agencies will soon be able to trawl through all British government documents stored online thanks to an unchallenged amendment to a spy law in Washington.