We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Obama's Pacific Trade Deal Is No Deal At All
The Trans-Pacific Partnership assaults local economic development, labor and the environment, and creates an international court where corporations can sue governments.
In Michigan, Anti-Drone Protests Escalate at New Drone Command Center
This afternoon, peaceful, nonviolent activists will converge at the gates of the 110th Fighter Wing of the Air National Guard in Battle Creek, Michigan, to oppose the recent installation of a drone command center there.
Golden Silence: On The Trail Of Golden Dawn
A journalist explores the tense climate in Greece where, after the coalition government, a neo-Nazi party holds the second largest share of the votes -- and they don't exactly welcome him in to observe their activities.
Taking A Stand Against Coal
It is frustrating (and terrifying) to devote so much of our effort to preventing fossil fuel expansion rather than actually reducing emissions, but springtime brings some good news from the northwest coast.
Revealed: Checks From Banks To Struggling Homeowners Bounce
Some $3.6 billion was to be issued to about 1.4 million homeowners wrongfully evicted from their homes. But when people went to cash their settlement checks last week, the checks bounced because of insufficient funds by the banks.
Koch Brothers Plan To Buy Eight Major Newspapers
Billionaire oil moguls and ultra-right climate denial propagandists Charles and David Koch intend to purchase a handful of major U.S. news outlets, including the Tribune company.
Internet Rights — and America's Lack Therof
Internet freedom is an illusion in the U.S.
Exposed: U.S. Government is Pushing Dramatic Privatizations in El Salvador
Unions in El Salvador are fighting a major privatization scheme, which has the full weight of the U.S. government behind it.
The Tragedy of Two-Tiered Justice
The fraud and money laundering of banking interests is massively damaging to our country and extremely illegal.
Crackdown on Protesters in Bahrain Continues as Grand Prix Goes Ahead
Police fired birdshot and tear gas to contain simmering resentment at a deadly crackdown by the Sunni royal family on Arab Spring-inspired protests.