Over the next four years, we’re about to be inundated with a flood of lies—including from federal agencies themselves.
Don't Forget the Funny
He’s appeared on the BBC as a Dow Chemical spokesman apologizing for the Bhopal disaster in India; he’s spoken at conferences as a
How America Finances Repression Abroad
One of the biggest clues to understanding the connections among grassroots democratic uprisings across the world may be found by tracking connections among methods of repression.
Profits Trump People in Corporate America
Law and precedent say corporations owe a strong duty to the 99%, and not to shareholders alone. This third installment in a five-part series looks at how the public can take back control.
The Colony in Congress’s Backyard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The colonists who founded this country fought a revolutionary war against taxation without representation.
Standing Trial: A Naval Commander of the 99%
Consider the story of Leah Bolger, the latest American hero up on trial:
America's Newest Commodity: Prisoners
Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), owner of the largest private prison system in the United States,
Goin' Back to Philly
Philadelphia, the birthplace of both the Constitution and America's public banking system, will be occupied for a national gathering in July.
How High CEO Pay Hurts the 99 Percent
Why are top executives making outrageous amounts of money for not doing their jobs?
A Housing Justice Movement Builds in Chicago
Amid the urban sprawl and industrial decay that have come to mark Chicago is a growing epidemic of foreclosures and evictions now threatening the lives of tens of thousands of the city’s residents.
How U.S. Corporations Went From Producers to Predators
Over the last 30 years, corporations have turned on the 99 percent. In this first installment of a five-part series, William Lazonick explores how it happened and how to fight back.