It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Three Times When the World Broke Open – and Two When It Might Again
Social change is seldom as incremental or predictable as many insiders suggest — by turning issues considered both unrealistic and politically inconvenient into matters that can no longer be ignored, they champion the impractical.
Organizing Power: Fight for $15 To Join Chicago Teachers Union In April 1 Strike
This Friday will be the first time fast-food workers strike at the same time as teachers, as the Fight for $15 movement teams up with the Chicago Teachers Union in a one-day walk-out.
What Happens When Neither Political Party Answers to the Bottom 90%?
Both Democrats and Republicans face a crisis of leadership and ideology, as well as a great opportunity for reinvention – whichever party first reinvents itself successfully will begin winning elections the way the Democrats did in the 1932-1968 era.
Rockefeller Family Charity To Withdraw All Investments In Fossil Fuel Companies
A fund of the multi-billion dollar Rockefeller family said it would divest from all fossil fuel holdings “as quickly as possible" – singling out ExxonMobil, the world’s largest oil company, which it called “morally reprehensible.”
Bracing For A Brexit: Could Contradictory Positions On E.U. Spark A Progressive U.K. Movement?
With Eurosceptic Conservatives on one side of the debate and an international consortium of bankers led by Goldman Sachs on the other, where will the British people come down on the June 23 referendum to remain in, or leave, the E.U.
Citizen Trump: How an American Caudillo Came to Dominate the 2016 Presidential Race
The religions and ethnicities may have changed, but the core nativism that the former Celebrity Apprentice host promotes is much the same: a full-throated call for a simpler, more ignorant time that only ever existed in the imagination.
The New Generation Gap
Three realities – social injustice on an unprecedented scale, massive inequities, and a loss of trust in elites – define our political moment, among young people more than anyone.
Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry
Our leaders thought fracking would save our climate. They were wrong. Very wrong.
Too Rigged to Fail: The Homeowner Hampster Wheel of Mortgage Fraud
If the government won’t break up the banks, then we the people need to break up with the banks. The only way they will feel our pain is if people move their money out of them – then demand accountability and jail time for the elite financial criminals.
Pay Gap Persists Even As Women Take Over Male-Dominated Fields
Women’s median annual earnings stubbornly remain about 20 percent below men’s. Why is progress stalling? It may come down to this troubling reality, new research suggests: Work done by women simply isn’t valued as highly.