It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
India's New Food Security Bill Makes Right to Food a Law
Manju is 34. She lives in Kolkata, India, and has two school-age children. She works as a cook in six different homes, making a salary that enables her children to live in a reasonably safe place.
"Occupy Finance" Book Launches on #S17 the 2nd Anniversary of Occupy Movement
The elements of the next crisis are being put in place at this very moment by some of the same people and institutions that brought us the last one. In the meantime, we've seen no reckoning, no apologies and no serious changes to the laws.
Five Years Later, the Recession Lingers Only for the 99%
Only the 1% has prospered since the financial crisis five years ago.
The Koch Brothers' Secret Bank
Freedom Partners, whose existence until now was unknown to almost everyone in politics, raised and spent $250 million in 2012 to shape political and policy debate nationwide.
Public Universities Ramp Up Aid for the Wealthy, Leaving the Poor Behind
Public colleges and universities were founded and funded to give students access to an affordable college education, but faced with financial shortfalls, are leaving low-income students behind.
I'm a College Graduate Who Had to Go on Food Stamps
I used to view myself as different from and better than people on food stamps. Until I needed them.
Northwest Resistance: The Moment is Now to Oppose the Millennium Bulk Coal Terminal
If approved for mass coal exports to Asia, the Millennium Bulk Terminal in Longview, Wash., would contribute to 125 million tons of carbon dioxide a year.
How Big Media's Greed Is Strangling Accurate Coverage of Syrian Civil War
For Bashar al-Assad’s atrocities to be fully understood by the world, reporters must be on the ground. But corporate media have decimated newsrooms and foreign bureaus.
Catalonia's Independence From Spain May Be Closer Than Ever
1.6 million Catalans took part last week in a 400-kilometer human chain amid demonstrations calling for independence from Spain, which covered the country's northeastern region from north to south.
Ex-Wall Street Chieftains Living Large in Post-Meltdown World
The Center for Public Integrity looks at what happened to five former Wall Street kingpins to see what they are up to these days. None are in jail, nor are any criminal charges expected to be filed.