The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
In Europe, March Against Monsanto Is Latest Rejection of the GMO Giant
Momentum is building across Europe, country by country and region by region, to outlaw the biotech giant.
Thousands of UC Hospital Workers Strike for Safer Staffing, Pensions
13,000 workers at seven campuses of University of California hospitals began a two-day strike on Tuesday to protect their pensions and enhance patient care.
Obama's Plan to Privatize the Tennessee Valley Authority
The TVA has provided public energy service for roughly eight decades, and its prices are lower than those of many private corporations. In other words, it's a "socialist" institution that is immensely popular.
Billionaires Unchained: The New Pay-As-You-Go Landscape of American “Democracy”
There is no limit to the amount of money billionaires can give to influence the political discussion in this country.
Too Soon to Tell: The Case for Hope, Continued
People sometimes have the power to make change happen — if and when they come together and act.
Apple Avoided Paying Billions in Taxes
Apple effectively paid no taxes on its international profits to anyone. And they didn't break any laws while doing it.
Fracking: Coming Soon To Suburbia
The fracking industry has taken over the U.S., with more than 500,000 oil-producing wells located in rural and suburban land throughout the country in 2012.
Hedges: Rise Up Or Die
We must either defy the corporate state or accept our extinction as a species.
How Billionaire David Koch Censors PBS
PBS is free to create content that educates, informs and inspires — so long as it does not offend the plutocrats who keep it alive.
Former Google Exec Turns Whistleblower On Company’s Tax Avoidance In the U.K.
Apple isn't the only gigantic corporation avoiding taxes. Google, whose founding mantra was "don't be evil," is bending over backward to avoid paying up.