It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Steingraber's Manifesto for a Fracking Abolitionist Movement
A new salvo has been fired in the national battle against fracking, as ecologist Sandra Steingraber denounces Illinois’ new fracking regulations in her newly released manifesto.
Resisting Corporate Education: Is "Business Productivity" Coming to the University of Texas?
For the University of Texas at Austin, “Smarter Systems for a Greater UT” is the newest move by the administration to treat the university not as a school but rather as a business.
Our Historic Challenge: Supporting the Moral Actions of Edward Snowden
In Washington, where the state of war and the surveillance state are one and the same, top officials have begun to call for Edward Snowden’s head.
Kidnapped Canadian Mining Executive is Now a Pawn in Colombia's War
Taken hostage by the National Liberation Army in January, Braeval Mining Corp.'s vice president of exploration, Gernot Wober, has become a bargaining chip in the country's fight for gold rights.
CIA Didn't Always Know Who it Was Killing in Drone Strikes
One of every four of those killed by drones in Pakistan between Sept. 3, 2010, and Oct. 30, 2011, were classified as "other militants."
Edward Snowden: The Whistleblower Behind Revelations of NSA Surveillance
The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA's history explains his motives, his uncertain future and why he never intended on hiding in the shadows. Snowden joins the ranks of Daniel Ellsberg and Bradley Manning.
Obama's Verizon Phone Records Collection Carries on Bush's Work
Candidate Obama criticized policies allowing phone calls to be monitored; in office, he has continued and even extended them.
The NSA, Surveillance and the Chronic State of Terror
Why would a court order, or the government that created it, or the major telecommunication company that enforced it, have a problem discussing details of the agreement if their intentions were as sacred as they claimed?
The Fight to Save Public Schools Moves to Northeastern Tennessee
Resistance to school closures and consolidations is moving beyond big cities like Chicago and Philadelphia into more rural regions — the latest being Sullivan County in northeastern Tennessee, where protests have erupted.
Five Ways the U.S. Can Have an Icelandic Revolution
Iceland crowdsourced its new constitution. Can we follow in its footsteps?