It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Occupy Wall Street Stages a Sit-In at the AG's Office
More than a dozen people staged a sit-in at the office of New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, pressuring him as co-chair of the federal Financial Fraud Task Force's Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group to make good on his pledge to investigate—and hold people accountable for—Wall Street’s crimes.
Quebec's Students Win Battle for Universal Education
"Our strike, it is not merely the matter of a generation. It is the matter of a people, it is the matter of this world. Our strike is not an isolated event. Our strike is just a step. It is just a moment along a much longer route."
Things You Can Do Now
Occupation is about participation, and there are many ways to get involved.
Protecting the Right to Record
On Thursday, nine leading free speech and digital rights groups called on U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to focus attention on the alarming number of arrests of people documenting Occupy protests.
Leggo My Ovaries
We, as women, cannot claim equality if someone else has control over our bodies.
For London, a Community Bill of Rights
The legal system maintains the status quo to keep corporations in power and ensure that communities are subordinate. Community Bills of Rights, emerging now in many places, are helping to change that.
Comprehending Climate Change
Climate change is the mother of all conundrums: too big to fear, too invisible to see, too unpredictable to predict. Different generations react to it at different speeds, and changing the mind is a slow business indeed.
The Rich and the Rest of Us
A week ago, the U.S. government announced that 7.2 percent of Americans in the labor force earn so little that they are living in poverty. In other words: for the working poor, simply having a job isn’t enough.
Charlotte Braces for the "Extraordinary"
Occupy Charlotte and coalition partners will confront their city's new "Extraordinary Event" law when they turn out Thursday to disrupt Duke Energy's annual shareholder meeting.
Letter from California: I Am a Slut.
You might not have seen any news about the Unite Against the War on Women rally held Saturday in Sacramento, as the media didn’t cover it. But we left a footprint.