It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Workers Nationwide Win City and State Minimum Wage Hikes
Ballot measures on minimum-wage hikes and paid sick days succeeded, but things just got grimmer for unions and healthcare expansion.
Rising to the Top: 5 Stunning Facts About Our Vanishing Middle Class Wealth
With the 1% raking it in like never before, people in the U.S. and around the world are being rapidly divided into two classes: the well-to-do and the lower-income majority.
Voters Ban Fracking from Ohio to California to Texas
Residents overwhelmingly asserted their rights to clean air, water and local self-governance by banning fracking and frack wastewater injection wells in two U.S. cities and one county.
Citizens Vote To Amend Constitution and End Corporate Personhood In Five States
Voters in Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida elected a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United declaring that corporations are not people and money is not speech.
Elections Are Over – Now Here Are 10 Ways to Democratize the Economy
Take control of local budgets and financing, businesses, community land development, energy production and more.
Why The Climate Fix and the Economic Reboot Will Happen Together
Four years in the making, this Political Economy Research Institute study shows the level of U.S. investment to achieve necessary carbon cut targets and generate 2.7 million new jobs.
Money Owns Politics As $3.6 Billion In Election Spending Shatters Records
The vast sums of cash raised by independent groups reordered the political landscape this fall as new levels of collaboration eroded barriers between those running for office and their big-money allies.
Energy Commission in D.C. Blockaded, 47 Arrested In Multi-State Climate Protests
On Monday, 25 people were arrested at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, as seven were taken from a Maryland gas export construction site and 15 at a gas storage facility in New York.
The Movement Returns: Dispatch From A Democratic Occupation of London
The right to protest is a fundamental human right, especially in Britain.
Million Mask March On November 5 Calls for Free Internet, End to Surveillance
The Internet is one of the last free vessels we the citizens have access to. We've stood against SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, ACTA and the TPP – and we'll continue to stand as one against Internet censorship.