We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Stop Trident: Why Renewing Britain’s Nuclear Weapons Program Is Plain Mad
On Saturday, the "largest demonstration in a generation" marched in London in a bid to #StopTrident, making clear the public's widespread opposition to re-launching the U.K. nuclear program.
Teargas Fired As Refugees Try To Breach Greek-Macedonian Border
Chaotic scenes have intensified across Greece as the embattled government edged closer to declaring a state of emergency to deal with tens of thousands of migrants and refugees trapped in the country.
Rent Strikes From San Francisco to London: "Together We Can Defeat the Housing Market"
“This community is being displaced by the greed and avarice of property pimps preying on the weak and the disenfranchised."
Goodnight, and Good Luck: Al Jazeera America Shutters Its Doors
The core principle driving the journalism that distinguished Al Jazeera America online as a unique voice in a cluttered news landscape was the simple – yet radical – proposition that no single human life is worth less than any other.
Why Student Loans are Creating a Permanent U.S. Underclass
With private lenders out of the business, government is now in charge of issuing newer debt – but rather than alleviating the problem faced by young Americans, some programs on offer seem as predatory as what came before them.
Security giants earn huge windfalls from ‘surveillance-industrial complex’
In run-up to 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Panasonic and other multinational corporations find big market for security.
5 Reasons the Top Tax Rate Should Be 80%
Informed Americans understand that an economic war has been waged against the middle and lower classes – and as history shows, progressive taxes actually work.
Hundreds of Professors At University of Chicago Push For Fossil Fuel Divestment
In a symbolic show of solidarity with student activists, professors urged the elite private university to purge its $7.6 billion endowment of coal, oil and gas companies, citing the “universal and existential” threat posed by climate change.
Unjust Punishment: Will 13 Climate Activists Face Jail Time For Heathrow Protest?
Mel Strickland and a dozen other activists cut through a security fence at London's Heathrow Airport last July and occupied one of the runways for six hours in an effort to slow the ravages of climate change.
As They Drank Contaminated Water, Flint Residents Charged Highest Water Rates In The Country
A Flint resident paid $864.32 a year for water in January 2015 – about $500 more than what the typical family in the rest of the country paid for water from other public utilities, and more than twice the average rate paid in Michigan.