It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
5 Ways to Break the Banks That Stole from America
We’ve marched, rallied, sat-in and thousands have been arrested, and yet bankers have remained unrepentant, unpunished, unindicted and seemingly untouchable. It's time to rebel, and here's how we do it.
Surprise: It's Hot As Hell Outside
America's 12 northeastern states are experiencing their warmest year since record keeping started in 1895, while nationwide more than 27,000 high temperature records were broken or tied as of the weekend.
Portland Coalition Rushes to Defend Evicted Woman's House
“Capitalists have been stealing from black and brown people for centuries. We’re taking back what was stolen from us. It’s the banks that did the stealing.”
U.S. Rejects Key Global Warming Benchmark
Critics worldwide lashed out at the U.S. for withdrawing its support from established, base-level goals to limit global warming to below 2 degrees celsius (3.6 F).
Why Did the Architect of "Too Big to Fail" Change His Mind?
Poor Sandy Weill's pension is gone. No wonder he's rethinking things.
Fighting GMO Labeling is Food Lobby’s “Highest Priority”
The Grocery Manufacturers Association, representing the nation's largest food makers, is fighting with everything it's got to defeat California's ballot efforts to require GMO labeling on foods.
Blockade! In Texas, Stopping the Southern Keystone Pipeline
A fierce coalition of landowners, community members, students and others engaged with the Tar Sands Blockade vow to halt the Keystone XL Pipeline through nonviolent direct action.
The Monroe Doctrine
On the fiftieth anniversary of Marilyn Monroe's death, a new look at her populist progressive attitudes that included rooting for "the individual as opposed to the corporation."
ALEC in the Hotseat
After numerous company defections in the past year, the uber-right wing American Legislative Exchange Council was confronted by an energized coalition of activists at its yearly summit in Salt Lake City.
Thousands Declare Defiance in the Streets of Montreal
Continuing their opposition to the draconian Law 78 that makes protesting illegal, thousands of students and supporters descended on Montreal's streets this week to denounce the Quebec government.