Over the next four years, we’re about to be inundated with a flood of lies—including from federal agencies themselves.
Venezuela: What Activists Need to Know about the U.S.-Led Coup
Two things stand out about the U.S. coup in Venezuela: It is unusually open, and the coup is built on a series of obvious falsehoods. Yet the bi-partisans in Washington, with a few exceptions, keep repeating them.
Striking Los Angeles Teachers Won Big. Here's What Their Victory Means.
The successful L.A. teachers strike helps move the balance of power in California and nationally toward public education, and against both austerity and the privatization of education through charter schools.
The New Language of Climate Change
Scientists and meteorologists on the front lines of the climate wars are testing a new strategy to get through to the skeptics and outright deniers.
People Power: 160,000 European Protesters Demand Action on Climate Crisis
Tens of thousands march in France and Belgium demanding urgent action on climate crisis.
America Needs A War on Waste–Not A War on Trade
The federal government could play a fundamental role helping restructure the nation's industry to focus more on recycling and producing remanufactured goods.
Trump Backs Overthrow Of Venezuelan President, Recognizes Right-Wing Opposition Figure As Leader
The statement was the Trump administration’s clearest show of support for a slow-motion coup unfolding against President Nicolas Maduro, who was re-elected on May 20.
What the U.K. Can Learn from Portugal’s Socialist Government Success Story
Since coming to power three years ago, Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa has dissolved austerity measures like cuts to pensions and salaries – fostering record-breaking economic growth in the process.
‘Onslaught of Outrage’: Resistance and Activism Reawaken in Trump Era
Two years since his inauguration, millions of Americans have built on recent movements such as Black Lives Matter and Fight for $15 to rally, march and strike against the president.
Recycling Is Not Enough. Zero-Packaging Stores Show We Can Kick Our Plastic Addiction
Can we dispose with our disposable mentality by doing something to cut down on all the packaging of our food and beverages? Some places like Australia are showing us how.
Capitalist-style Wealth Gap: 1 Tech Guy = 1,000,000 Teachers
There are over 4 million preschool, primary, secondary and special education teachers in America, who average $57,000 in salary; the richest 6 American tech leaders average $80 billion each.