It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Five Years After Citizens United, Wealthy Donors' Campaign Spending Has Skyrocketed
A new report finds outside spending, dark money and super PACs more than doubled candidates' campaign war chests between 2010 and 2014.
After Hottest Year On Record, Is the Climate Movement at a Tipping Point?
Could right now, 2015, be a moment in history akin to the 1964-1965 period for the civil rights movement – when we escalate strategic, nonviolent direct actions as massive and coordinated as we can make them?
"A Democratic Outrage" In Britain As Lawmakers Push to End the Right to Strike
A row has broken out between the government and the Trades Union Congress over plans to ban protests without at least 40% of support from union members. Those in favor of the proposed crackdown on industrial action say it will stop U.K.
The Road to Serfdom, Part VI
Appropriating and expropriating resources is now an autonomous financial dynamic, working more covertly and even in a more democratic political context than military conquest.
What David Cameron Just Proposed Would Endanger Every Briton and Destroy the IT Industry
David Cameron says there should be no "means of communication" which "we cannot read," and many in his party will agree with him – but if they understood the technology, they would be shocked to their boots.
PEGIDA movement spreads across Europe, stirring anti-immigrant sentiment
Galvanized by the Paris attack, the anti-Islamic movement PEGIDA is swiftly spreading across Western Europe.
In Crowded Streets of Bilbao, A Silent Cry to Free Basque Political Prisoners
Some 80,000 people marched in the city last weekend to protest the "policy of dispersal" against Basque prisoners and to call for their repatriation.
Occupy Romania: Shadowed By A Brutal Past, Protesters Reemerge In Southeastern Europe
"Occupy" has a negative connotation for Romanians, who've mostly been occupied during the ages by other countries or empires or strange regimes like communism, which they related to like it was a bad weather spell.
The Road to Serfdom, Part V
In today's bailout economy, bad bank loans are shifted onto the public balance sheet as wealth is siphoned off to the top of the economic pyramid.
Using Faircoins, A Worldwide Cooperative Stakes Out Ground for A New Economy
FairCoop aims to provide new, free, collaborative economic, social and technological tools for everyone, and will try to make sure they are used in a cooperative way for the creation and expansion of the commons worldwide.