Over the next four years, we’re about to be inundated with a flood of lies—including from federal agencies themselves.
Summer Disobedience School is Now in Session
After the high drama of #noNato, it was back to grassroots building at Occupy Wall Street with the new Summer Disobedience School series.
Mexican Farmers Stand Up to Monsanto
Progressive small farmer organizations in Mexico have scored a victory over transnational corporations that seek to monopolize seed and food patents.
From Montreal: An Open Letter to the Mainstream Media
This is what Quebec looks like right now: Every night is tear gas and riot cops, but it is also joy, laughter, kindness, togetherness, and beautiful music.
10 Things Everyone Should Know about Quebec's Student Movement
Summary: Here are ten things you need to know about the student movement in Quebec.
#Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines
This week in Occupy, thousands swarmed Chicago for the NATO summit, Quebec’s student movement reached a critical mass, Greece remains on the brink and Occupy Wall Street’s librarians are suing the city and the NYPD over the destruction of the People’s Library.
Hope That We Can Change the World: Russell Brand Visits Occupy Wall Street
Among the many triumphs of the Occupy Wall Street movement is the remarkable sense of occasion that accompanies the phenomenon.
International Activism Surges Into Summer
Working people across the globe are continuing to feed off of each other's momentum as waves of international protest have strengthened in recent weeks.
Poem: Do We Fear Change?
How can the young understand/How much we can change/When they haven’t seen it?
Oligarchy and its Discontents
Most analysts and citizens of Western society suppose that we live in a democracy. But is it really a system where the people rule and its representatives execute the popular will? Or, do we live in an oligarchy disguised as democracy?
Banking on the People
There is another way to do banking: rather than feeding off the community, banking can feed the community and the local economy. These George Bailey-style banks, now on the rise, base their decisions first and foremost on the needs of people and the environment.