It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Connecticut Is First State to Pass GE Food Labeling Law
This week, Connecticut won the honor of becoming the first state to pass a law requiring genetically engineered foods to be labeled.
The People's Response: How OpOK Relief is Rebuilding Oklahoma
After the tornado, OpOK Relief has stepped in to fill the gaps as part of the People's Response.
Unconventional Oil and Austerity: The Dual Crises of Our Time
Bank bailouts, tar sands and fracking appear distinctive, yet the forces driving them forward share the same rationale, mindset and tactics.
Occupy Gezi Catches Fire in Turkey
A new revolution just began in Istanbul.
Three Staple Foods that Big Ag Has Stripped of All Nutrients
We need to reclaim our fruits and vegetables for the sake of our health.
The Calls to Fire Eric Holder Should Worry Wall Street
There’s recently been a sharp increase in the bipartisan calls to fire Eric Holder, an opinion we endorse. We want the Obama administration to fire Eric Holder and replace him with someone who will prosecute Wall Street.
Supreme Court Rules That Police Can Take Your DNA Even If You Haven't Been Convicted of a Crime
The nation's highest court ruled today that the police have the power to take DNA samples from people arrested for a crime.
Demonstrations Rock Istanbul
What began as a fight against gentrification has morphed into a movement.
In India, Farmers Stage 2-Month Opposition to Oil Refinery, Refusing to Give Up Land
Farmers in the Indian state of Rajasthan have been protesting since March against a government plan to hand over their ancestral lands to an oil refinery without adequate compensation.
A Baby Born in Parts of Ohio is More Likely to Die than One Born in North Korea or the Gaza Strip
Infant mortality rates higher than those of countries like Japan or Sweden are one thing— but North Korea? The Gaza Strip?