It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
For the First Time, Majority of Congress is Worth $1M or More
Financial-disclosure forms show that a majority of Congress members are millionaires, and experts say there is a growing concern about the disconnect between lawmakers and average Americans.
Wake Up Before It Is Too Late: Lessons From a U.N. Sustainability Report
Last year's UN Conference on Trade and Development study offers a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and strategic approaches to deal with hunger and poverty, poor health and nutrition, climate change and environmental sustainability.
Justice Department Withholds FISA Court Orders on NSA's Bulk Collection of Data
The decision to keep some of the records secret, in the thick of Edward Snowden’s revelations, has raised suspicions within the ACLU that the government continues to hide bulk surveillance activities from the U.S. public.
How 15-Year-Old Travion Blount Got 6 Life Sentences for a Crime In Which No One Was Hurt
The Virginia judge issued one of the harshest sentences ever handed down to a juvenile in the U.S. for a non-homicide-related offense. What if Blount had been white and wealthy?
Davos Report: World's 85 Richest have Same Wealth As All of Bottom 50 Percent
The world's elite have rigged laws in their own favor, undermining democracy and creating a chasm of inequality across the globe.
8 Documentaries With Social Impact Brought Big Message to the Screen in 2013
Films have the power of opening the gates of our collective consciousness, forcing us to confront uncomfortable realities while telling us about the true state of the world.
Rethinking Economics: From the U.K., a Global Student Movement Takes Shape
The group is working on a manifesto that calls for a complete overhaul of curricula at U.K. economics departments, as students in the U.S., Canada, Israel, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Germany, France and New Zealand follow suit with similar demands.
Everything You Need to Know About Obama’s NSA Reforms, In Plain English
A primer on the proposed reforms, which many say don't go far enough.
From Austerity to Abundance: Why I Am Running for California Treasurer
The state cannot solve its budget problems by slashing services that have already been cut to the bone or raising sales taxes that hurt the poor far more than the rich.
Revealed: Top U.S. Corporations Funneled $185 Million to Political Nonprofits
An analysis of company disclosures reveals a steady flow of cash from corporations to social welfare organizations and trade associations.