We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Capitalism’s “Dirty Little Secret”: The Threat of Rising Debt During Coronavirus
The economic damage caused by the virus is sure to grow, and as we saw with the 2008 financial crash, forcing people into debt can have catastrophic consequences.
Pakistan To Hire Pandemic's Unemployed to Plant 10 Billion Trees
The ambitious initiative will translate into an immediate source of income for about 150,000 people left jobless by the pandemic, as it helps reforest Pakistan's drought-plagued countryside.
Corporations Will Not Save Us: The Sham of Corporate Social Responsibility
The truth is, American corporations are sacrificing workers and communities as never before in order to further boost runaway profits and unprecedented CEO pay.
New Student-Created Site Crowdsources Global Information About Coronavirus
For all those hunkering down at home, craving more up-to-date resources and verified, trustworthy information on the coronavirus, CoviDB.org may have some answers.
From Virgin to Tesco, Large UK Companies Accused of Trading Employee Health for Profit
Big businesses in the UK still running call centres and operating on-site amid COVID-19 are being slammed as irresponsible as they recklessly put profit before the health and wellbeing of employees.
COVID-19 Pandemic Reveals Devastating Impacts of Tory Austerity on N.H.S.
The UK’s overstretched health service is resorting to desperate measures: millions of planned operations are being postponed and patients are being urgently discharged to help tackle the pandemic.
As Capitalism Drives Us Toward Extinction, What Does Real Climate Justice Look Like?
Although we can no longer prevent climate change, we can participate in climate justice, which demands bold actions by communities to build a new regenerative economy and expose false solutions.
Ireland Swings Left As Sinn Féin Vows to Tackle Crises In Housing and Inequality
The stunning victory for Sinn Féin earlier this month marked a historical repositioning of Ireland’s political landscape, as voters put their faith in left-wing outsiders and the promise of bold social reform.
How Corporate Corruption is Impacting American Universities
Just where does all the money go that universities are pocketing from skyrocketing tuition rates? You might be surprised.
Spain's New Left-Wing Socialist Government Offers Hope in Dark Political Times
In electing a socialist coalition, Spain is countering the politics of nationalism and populism that has been rising across Europe.