It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Report Finds Harsh CIA Interrogations Ineffective
The Senate intelligence committee approved a long-awaited report Thursday concluding that harsh interrogation measures used by the CIA did not produce significant intelligence breakthroughs.
The Hemorrhaging of America: From Charles Whitman in Austin to Adam Lanza in Newton
As long as Americans can buy guns legally and fairly easily over the counter, Americans will kill other Americans and kill themselves, too.
Millionaires Back Raising the Estate Tax
More than 30 of the wealthiest Americans have signed a letter to Congress and the Obama administration arguing that the estate tax should be raised, not lowered.
Big Money, ALEC and the Gun Agenda
Numerous bills to impede laws that would help protect Americans from gun violence were drafted by the NRA and adopted by ALEC corporations and legislators.
Expiring Warrantless Spy Bill to Be Reauthorized by Year's End
U.S. spies can rest easy knowing that the nation's warrantless wiretapping program won't expire at year's end.
Michigan’s Anti-Union Legislation: Brought to You by the Koch Brothers and ALEC
Michigan’s right-to-work law is a Koch brothers and ALEC-style model bill in action.
HSBC is the New Poster Child for Our Two-Tiered Justice System
The U.S. is the world's largest prison state. But not everyone is subjected to that system of penal harshness.
Your Public Bus Conversations Are Being Recorded
Transit authorities in cities across the country are quietly installing microphone-enabled surveillance systems on public buses.
Nuclear Testing Continues Despite U.S. Promises, World Yawns
The U.S. has conducted a nuclear weapons test, a violation of the test ban treaty.
5 Enemies of a Decent Middle Class Existence in the U.S.
Conservatives and the wealthy have taught too many Americans to hate their own government and not the parasite industries destroying the middle class.