It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Kill This Bill! Or, How to Slay a Dragon
Occupy Atlanta helped build a coalition to defeat Georgia’s anti-speech and anti-union bill, demonstrating people power in action.
Why Are We Here? One Occupier's Answer
You've seen us on the news. You've seen us in the parks. You've seen us marching down the street. Since we first took Zuccotti Park on September 17, we've been asked a lot of things. We've been asked to get a job. We've been asked to run a candidate.
Debt and the Tar Sands
The same debt that is driving millions into destitution - and which drove many Occupiers to the streets - is also driving corporations and their stockholders to liquidate every bit of nature they can.
Mother Activism on the Rise
Feminist mothering is about reshaping societies so that mothers are recognized as both contributors to, and recipients of, global justice. That, it seems to me, is also the aim of the Occupy Movement.
Poetry: The World We Want is US
the joyful news of your arrest/this sunday morning everything/is bringing tears.
The American Spring
The National Occupation of Washington, DC, is bringing occupiers together to share experiences, educate each other and build an independent movement to shift power from concentrated wealth.
A New Declaration
We hold these truths to be self-evident:
That the real, physical world is the source of our own lives, and the lives of others. A weakened planet is less capable of supporting life, human or otherwise.
General Strike Rocks Spain
Last Thursday, people across Spain made a show of force in a general strike, on a scale ranging from the government estimate of 800,000 to the four million claimed by the unions.
Mic Checked! Fiction from New York City
It’s not a dream, not a spectacle, not a trend on Twitter. It’s a sweaty mass of bodies, it’s cold, hard, concrete ground, it’s a looming and armed police force, it’s a careful orchestration of radically different opinions and needs and values and beliefs.
Race, Gender and Occupy
“I think that what happens normally is the media has most of white America looking at people of color as deficient, savage, and when they see something happen to them by police they believe that it was somehow their fault."