It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Record Student Loan Debt Shadows This Year’s College Graduates
Students face a Catch-22: not going to college almost guarantees not progressing into the middle class, but high student loan debt also restricts social and economic advancement.
They’re Haunted by ‘Ghost Warrants’ Years After Their Arrests
Outdated or inaccurate charges often linger on people’s records and lead to devastating new stints in jail.
AOC and Sanders Issue Plan To Tackle Greed of Wall Street 'Loan Sharks'
The legislation protects consumers by imposing a 15 percent federal cap on credit card interest rates – a major source of financial industry profits.
Extinction Rebellion Must Evolve to Tackle Our Systemic Climate Crisis
To really tell the truth about climate change, the rebels in Extinction Rebellion need to call out climate criminals. Anything else is a whitewash.
Human Society Under Urgent Threat from Loss of Earth's Natural Life
Scientists reveal 1 million species at risk of extinction in damning UN report.
The Bankster Welfare State: Where Crime Pays
In a newly published paper, “Wall Street’s Six Biggest Bailed-Out Banks: Their RAP Sheets & Their Ongoing Crime Spree,” the non-profit group Better Markets reports $29 trillion spent in total bailout money.
The Radical Theory That the Government Has Unlimited Money
Everyone knows governments need to tax before they can spend. What Modern Monetary Theory presupposes is, maybe they don't.
Rebel Cities 23: Japanese Food Co-op Seikatsu Offers Hope for a Starving Planet
The Seikatsu model of food supply provides a working solution toward the intensifying capitalist-driven global food crisis. It could be a model that others worldwide choose to follow.
We Are (Still) the 99 Percent
Occupy Wall Street was seen as a failure when it ended in 2011. But it’s helped transform the American left.
Amazon’s Underbelly 4.0: Consumer Data Harvesting Has Gone Too Far
The company strives to intimately understand its customers by harvesting consumer data at unprecedented levels – ironically, without the consent or the acknowledgement of its customers.