It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Why is the Private Prison Industry in Our Schools?
The school-to-prison pipeline is an interlocking system of local, state, and federal educarceral policies that unduly siphon students from the school yard to the prison yard.
Techtivist Report: Beware the Black-Box
Russia stole the lead this month in the race for Total Surveillance with the introduction of a law to ostensibly to trap pedophiles and prevent terrorist attacks that delves deep into its citizens' emails and watch everything they do online.
How To Oust a Congressman, Part 2: Narrative Control
The primary goal of narrative control is to turn your Congressman’s name into a toxic brand that nobody wants to associate with.
From Australia, Chronicle of a Military Base Blockade
At the end of September, a group of 40 people demonstrated that small numbers are no barrier to successful nonviolent action by blockading the entrance of one of the most significant military bases in Australia over two days.
Citizens Against GMOs: Label It Yourself!
If the government will not side with the 90% of consumers who are in favor of GMO labeling, then they are going to do it themselves.
It’s the Interest, Stupid! Why Bankers Rule the World
A stunning 35% to 40% of everything we buy goes toward interest.
Dozens of Activists Halt Keystone XL Pipeline Construction
Four people locked themselves to heavy machinery used along the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline route this morning and several others formed a human chain to block the movement of heavy machinery.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: This is What Corporate Governance Looks Like
What makes the TPP unique isn't just that it is the largest “free trade agreement” ever negotiated but that it's the most secretive trade negotiations in history with no public oversight, input, or consultations.
Occupy's Kind Second Act
For its second act, the Occupy Movement has turned its attention to debt abolition and the Hurricane Sandy relief effort.
How Safe Are America's Pipelines?
Over the last few years a series of incidents have brought pipeline safety to national attention. “It's inevitable that as pipelines age, as they are exposed to the elements, eventually they are going to spill.”