We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
The Case for $15 and a Union for Low Wage Workers
It would be a good business decision for McDonald's and all the other leading fast-food chains to announce that they're doubling workers' pay, because those workers make it possible for such restaurants to remain profitable and successful.
Spain's Micro-Utopias: The 15M Movement and its Prototypes, Part 1
In this first of a three-part series, we offer a personal inventory of 15M’s prototypes by talking about processes and innovative actions, from method micro-utopia to urban, communications, feminine and collective culture micro-utopias.
Move to Amend: On the Path to Getting Money Out of Politics
Since 2010, over 300,000 have signed a petition and nearly 500 municipal resolutions and citizen initiatives have passed calling on state and federal governments to adopt an amendment ending corporate “personhood” and “money as speech.”
Grow Heathrow: A London Eco-Village Is Creating Energy and Food Alternatives
To the west of London, next to Europe's largest airport, a visit to Grow Heathrow shows an eco-village bustling with organic alternatives as U.K. squatters meanwhile block the airport's expansion.
All Things Are Connected: A Sovereign Indigenous Movement to Heal Mother Earth
It may be time to devolve into the Traditions of Natural Law and begin to seek some answers to the pathology of current governments.
Searching for the Truth About California's Prison Hunger Strike
With one prisoner dead and hundreds more continuing to strike, advocates and officials disagree about almost everything.
Exposed: Undercover Agents Infiltrated Tar Sands Resistance Camp
Investigators from an Oklahoma county sherriff's department infiltrated and spied on a Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance training camp.
Foreclosure Fraud Revealed: Your Mortgage Documents Are Fake!
Amid last decade's foreclosure fraud, banks resorted to a mass fabrication of mortgage documents because they could not legally establish true ownership of the loans when trying to foreclose.
92-Year-Old Woman Sues North Carolina Over New Wave Of Voter Suppression
Rosanell Eaton, who at 21 became one of the first African Americans in her county to vote, is one of several individuals and civil rights groups suing the state for what may be the most restrictive voting law in the nation.
Sofia Protesters Reorganize as Bulgarian Parliament Takes Vacation
Bulgaria's parliament has gone on summer recess without responding to nearly two months of daily protests in Sofia, and "while they sit on the beach, we are getting stronger, more organized and we’re planning larger actions for the fall.”