It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
$15 minimum wage
California's $15 Minimum Wage Earthquake
Workers, more than half of them women and Latinos, will receive on average one quarter more in wages, or about $3,700 per year adjusted for inflation.
California Governor Announces Landmark $15 Minimum Wage Deal
“It’s a matter of economic justice, it makes sense, and it will help our entire state do much better for its citizens,” said Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday, marking the largest victory to date of the national Fight for $15 movement.
Thomas Piketty On the Rise of Bernie Sanders: The U.S. Enters A New Political Era
The Vermont senator’s success demonstrates the end of the politico-ideological cycle opened by the victory of Ronald Reagan in the 1980 elections.
Fast-Food Workers Launch Wave Of Strikes For 2016 Primaries
Fast-food workers announced Friday that an unprecedented wave of strikes and actions calling for $15 and union rights will hit this primary season to hammer home to candidates that the nearly 64 million Americans paid less than $15 an hour are a voting
Fight for $15 Becomes Vote for $15 As Nationwide Rallies Target Ballot Box
“Senator Rubio hasn’t helped the low-wage workers who serve him every day. He likes the fancy dishes we prepare, but he doesn’t care that we can’t afford to feed ourselves.”
The Morality Of A $15 Minimum
It's becoming more and more common for politicians, and even economists, to say: that no one should be working full time and still remain in poverty.
In Latest Victory, New York's Fast Food Workers Get $15 Minimum Wage
On Wednesday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Wage Board exercised its power to set the new minimum for the fast food industry's 200,000 workers in the state – without requiring approval of the legislature.
$15 an Hour NOW – Not 5 to 7 Years from Now
Municipal leaders should be commended for acknowledging the current wage is too low – but phasing in a higher wage over many years is unacceptable in an economy where costs of living are rising and wages are falling.
Massachusetts Home Care Workers Win $15/Hour Starting Wage – First In Nation
Tears of joy streaked the faces of cheering home care workers assembled in their Dorchester union hall last week as a decades-long struggle for recognition and a living wage culminated in a historic moment of celebration.
Justice for All: Seattle's Kshama Sawant, Leader in Fight for $15, Talks About Movement's Next Steps
"All [working] people are latent activists. But to make them into activists they need to feel something deep in their hearts – in their gut. At the end of the day it is the tangible struggles that masses of people come out to fight."