It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
15M Movement
Rato Finito: Spanish Citizens Send Most Corrupt Banker-Politician to Jail
A citizen-led campaign last month succeeded in prosecuting Spain’s top banker-politician, Rodrigo Rato, and 65 co-conspirators in a case that rattled the upper echelons of the country's political and financial elite.
"They are Millionaires, We are Millions!" - Nuit Debout Looks Ahead As Occupation Winds Down
Nuit Debout is, like Occupy, a manifestation of people who want to do things differently.
Europe Needs A Plan B: Radical Political Change Is Coming
With Yanis Varoufakis at the helm of a recent weekend gathering in Madrid, workshops and debates fed into a concluding statement that called for no less than a democratic revolution across Europe.
Spanish Voters Reject Austerity and Corruption As Social Movement Leaders Rise
A Podemos-backed Sánchez government would open a new anti-austerity breach on Europe’s southern flank, as Spaniards reject a new economic model based on low wages and extreme job instability.
Spain to the Polls: Moving Away from Its Radical Platform, Podemos Has Lost Support
With national elections looming Sunday, descriptions of the party as the "best of a bad bunch" have become more common — especially among the country's vibrant citizen movements.
Six Lessons for the U.S. from Spain’s Democratic Revolution
I traveled to Barcelona and Madrid last month to witness the historic elections firsthand, and to learn from Spain’s independent social movements – and what I saw was a whole new way of doing politics.
Let's Win Barcelona: Manifesto for A New Metropolitan Democracy
We want a new ethical contract between citizens and representatives – and Barcelona is a decisive place to promote this much-needed democratic rebellion.
Emerging Triumphant from 15M Movement, Spain's Podemos Party Aims to Lead
Podemos registered as a political party just three months ago following heated debate over whether work should continue at the grassroots level or should be given a formal, electoral structure.
Anti-Monarchy Protests Grip Madrid As Spaniards Call for Referendum on Royals
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Madrid on Saturday to demand a referendum to abolish Spain's monarchy, just days after King Juan Carlos abdicated in favor of his son.
Around the World in 843 Protests: Living the Most Revolutionary Times in History
Revolts are shaking the world, bursting in the most unexpected places, but they rarely take power. Is the big explosion still coming?