We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Abu Ghraib
Act Out! [78] - Terrorism, War, Oppression, Colonialism & Activism: from Attica to 9/11 to #NoDAPL
This week marks the 15th anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001. Let's take a look at what these 15 years have brought us...
"A Line in the Sand" in Fight to Release Thousands of Photos of Prisoner Abuse
A federal judge is demanding that the government explain, photo-by-photo, why it can’t release hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of pictures showing detainee abuse by U.S. forces at military prison sites in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lockdown, USA: Lessons From the Boston Marathon Manhunt
A generalized fear now shapes American society—one that thrives on insecurity, precarity, dread of punishment and concern with external threats.
Letter to the Director: "Zero Dark Thirty" is an Apology for Torture
By peddling the lie that CIA detentions led to Bin Laden's killing, you have become a Leni Riefenstahl-like propagandist of torture.