It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Ohio is Illegally Jailing Debtors
Modern-day debtors' prisons push poor defendants further into destitution.
ACLU Launches Nationwide Police Militarization Investigation
The ACLU has launched a nationwide campaign to assess police militarization in the United States.
Government Uses the Same Argument to Justify the Targeted Killing of Americans and Indefinite Detention
On Tuesday, Michael Isikoff of NBC News published a 16-page white paper that outlines the government's secret justification for the extrajudicial killing of an American believed to be affiliated with a terrorist organization.
ACLU Fights to Stop Government Surveillance of our Citizens
The Feds can listen in to you now "whenever government deems it necessary for foreign intelligence reasons." The result? Warrantless wiretaps are intimidating organizations and casting a chill over lawyers, journalists and human rights researchers.
Californians Say No To Drones At Home
Local residents and civil rights organizations are resisting a Sheriff's attempts to deploy drones over Alameda County in the Bay Area, highlighting the invasion of privacy, militarization of police forces and the restriction of free speech and political expression.
Chicago Readies for NATO
Protesters arriving for ten "Days of Action" in Chicago are focusing on an array of issues - education funding, immigrant detention, foreclosures, the environment, economic inequality - while protesting against NATO.