It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Million Mask March On November 5 Calls for Free Internet, End to Surveillance
The Internet is one of the last free vessels we the citizens have access to. We've stood against SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, ACTA and the TPP – and we'll continue to stand as one against Internet censorship.
The Day We Fight Back: 2/11/14 Worldwide Protests to End Mass Surveillance
We aren’t going to let the NSA and its allies ruin the Internet. On February 11 the world demands an end to mass surveillance in every country by every state.
Internet Advocates: Trans-Pacific Partnership Is Biggest Threat Yet to Open Web
The TPP poses what many consider to be the biggest threat to global internet freedom in years.
From Italy to Iceland, the Promise of Digital Direct Democracy
Movement power — and parliamentary political power — is building across Europe as people harness online organizing tools.
CISPA 2.0: Say Goodbye to Our Constitutional Rights
The new CISPA bill opens the floodgates for an unprecedented and endless funneling of private communication information to federal military intelligence agencies such as the NSA and the FBI.
Trans Pacific Partnership: Our Corporate Bill of Rights
We, the transnational corporations and the ruling elites, are on the verge of a wonderful new dawn that will bring us immense power and untold wealth.