It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Spain’s Micro-Utopias: The 15M Movement and its Prototypes, Part 2
This second in a three-part series looks at the development of participatory, fun-tivism, resilience, networked post-syndicate, and collective intelligence micro-utopias in Spain.
We Are Players in the Game of Revolution
A people's democracy on a global scale is within reach -- if we have the courage to seize it.
7 Companies That Make Bank While Stiffing Their Workers
A handful of ultra-rich companies are raking in untold profits while paying their workers peanuts. Here is a list of the mega-billion corporations that specialize in offering low-wage jobs, including Walmart, Starbucks, McDonald's and Con Edison.
Bailing Ourselves Out: Leveraging Against Banking Barons in America’s Heartland
A culture of greed and corruption has permeated – even driven – each of the financial institutions that the government emphatically calls “too big to fail.”
Can the Indignados Reignite the Occupy Movement?
Spring re-occupations have largely failed here in North America. The May Day General Strike was stifled by aggressive, preemptive policing that neutralized Occupy’s signature moves. In light of these challenges, Saturday’s rebirth of the indignados could be a tactical turning point.